Department Of Urology

Urology as a super-specialty has grown in leaps and bounds in the last three decades. The spectrum of clinical conditions we treat today are far more than in the past , Urology as a science has also evolved to a great deal.

Urology has always been at the forefront of venturing in to the new technology which has resulted in to delivering the most advanced treatment to the patients . Endourology was the first step towards this development almost four decades ago , and the advances in the open surgery , minimally invasive surgery and Robotic surgery have made this specialty very unique.

Subspecialties in Urology is yet another key development in the last three decades . Apart from General and Basic urology , today we have Paediatric urology , Adolescent urology , Female urology , Andrology and infertility , Reconstructive urology , Urologic Oncology , Neuro Urology , Functional Urology , Renal transplantation and Uro gynecology as well established subspecialties within this super specialty . The allied specialties like pathology and radiology have also entered in to Uropathology , Uro-oncopathology , Uroradiology , interventional uro radiology as independent subspecialties . This is a clear indication of how Urology is an important super specialty and the leaders in this field across the globe have left no stone unturned to keep it at the forefront of the medical sciences.


We at Ushakal Abhinav Institute of Medical Sciences (UAIMS) are committed to deliver the most advanced treatment in Urology and its subspecialties with a high success rate . The treatment will be at par with the international standards and we have state of the art facilities and infrastructure to support the gifted , experienced and highly academic team of Doctors in the Dept of Urology and Urologic Oncology and other specialties.


The Foundation story…. Ushakal and Urology

The department of Urology, Urologic Oncology at UAIMS has its roots to its one of the parent organization called Ushakal Nursing Home ( UNH) .Established way back in 1989 , UNH has been synonymous with a highly reputed tertiary care centre for Urology in the Western Maharashtra , Karnataka , Goa , Kokan and Andhra Pradesh. Talk of Urology and UNH obviously comes to everyone’s lips. Started with basic lower tract urology as a humble beginning , the team Ushakal with the help of Abhinav Medicals Pvt Ltd- a group of doctors and well wishers, took a giant step forward in bringing the first Dornier Lithotripter in Western Maharashtra way back in 1995 for the noninvasive treatment ESWL ( Extra Corporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy) for the renal stones . It was a great success and was a boon for the patients of the stone disease in this area.

Over the years ,apart from the stone management, the treatment of prostatic disease, highly complex reconstructive urology, challenges in dealing with complex urologic problems and dealing with urologic complications referred from outside, made Urology services at Ushakal very unique. Female urology , paediatric urology , andrology -infertility , urodynamics and neuro urology were added eventually to make it a highly accomplished dedicated urology center , one of its kind in this region.

The department caters for nearly 10,000 OPD patients a year and more than 2500 surgeries are undertaken every year . More than 500+ ESWLs are performed each year . This all has been possible due to the hard work and dedication of Dr Milind Parikh ( MS FICS) and Dr Makarand Khochikar ( MS DNB Urol FRCS Urol Dip Urol FEBU FICS ) and Dr Vikas Gosavi ( MS ) who have been together at UNH for the last three decades. Excellent anesthetic services led by Dr Sunil Patil ( MD )and perioperative care by Dr Anand Malani ( MD) and Dr Ajay Joshi ( MD) and the dedicated nursing staff have contributed immensely towards this.

The team Ushakal is taking this legacy and good work further to their cherished dream – Ushakal Abhinav Institute of Medical Sciences ( UAIMS).


The Department of Urology and Urologic Oncology and other subspecialties at UAIMS: Structure and Services

The OPDs are stationed on the first floor , in the front wing on the left side , as you enter . The OPDs are fully equipped for the patient’s clinical assessment , relevant investigations and the counseling . There is a dedicated room for the prostate biopsy program and other minor procedures . The Urodynamics testing is also designed within the OPD complex . The OPDs will be running every day from 9 am – 7 pm ( Monday- Saturday)

Day care surgeries are integral part of Modern Urology . The Day care center is stationed on the first floor itself in the central part , where all the day case surgeries like cystoscopies , biopsies , stenting , diagnostic procedures , minor open surgeries will be carried out. Intravesical therapy for bladder cancer , self catherisation techniques , bladder training and functional urology care will be also the integral part of this day care unit.

There are two dedicated endoscopy suits for urology on the first floor in the rear wing on the right side. Conventional cystoscopy ,JJ stenting , biopsies , lower tract endourology services will be offered in this area . Flexible cystoscopy with Narrow Band Imaging ( NBI) will be a special feature at this unit which is very crucial for the diagnosis and staging and treatment of bladder cancer .

State of the art Dornier Lithotripter delivering ESWL treatment is installed in the room adjacent to the two endoscopy suits and given its reputation and results in stone fragmentation , it is going to be one of the crucial armamentarium of Dept of Urology at UAIMS.

Operation theatre complex ( OR) is on the second floor . There are two dedicated state of the art ultramodern theaters exclusively for Urology with every ultramodern gadget you can think of . High end remote controlled operation tables , ultramodern OT lights , Endoscopic cameras of latest technology with large screen and recording facilities are some of the highlights. We have complete spectrum of adult and paediatric endoscopes and all the ultramodern gadgets for stone disintegration , LASERs , RIRS , Ureteroscopy and PCNL equipments.

The theatres have been designed in such a way that we can run a Renal transplantation program smoothly and effectively . We have also arranged the OR in a special way with which we will be start the ROBOTIC program very soon.

There is an excellent pre op counseling room , preop preparation room and post op recovery bay on the same floor and highly equipped surgical ICU for the immediate post op care of highly complex operations.

Sub specialties and their scope

Stone Disease: ESWL, PCNL, URS, RIRS, Laser, Stone Analysis, Prevention of stone disease

Stones in the urinary tract is still the commonest disease in India . Endourological management remains the cornerstone of the treatment . All types of stone treatment will be offered with a great precision and effectiveness. Each modality has its own place in the modern urology , we use these modalities with great wisdom . We offer a package for complete stone clearance irrespective of which modality we use . At times we need to use combination therapies , since we have all the modalities under one roof , one is assured of high success rate /stone free rate. We have stone analysis laboratory and preventing the stone disease is also a good program we have been running till date.


Prostate Diseases: BPH, Prostate cancer, Voiding Dysfunction, Prostate Biopsy program, Flow rate

Prostatic Disease is yet another important area in the field of Urology. Men over 50 get affected either with infection ( prostatitis) , age related benign enlargement ( BPH) and prostate cancer (CaP). We have excellent Prostate Diagnostic Services in terms of clinical evaluation , urosonography , PSA testing for cancer and flow test. One of the unique feature we have in our department is that of dedicated prostate biopsy program , which is so crucial in the diagnosis of prostate cancer . Transrectal US scan , MP- MRI for evaluation , MR-US fusion are important tools we have incorporated in this prostate cancer diagnosis program , one of the first kind in this area. We offer medical therapy for BPH , TURP , Laser TURP , open prostatectomy for large >200 gms prostate . Urolift and Aquablation will be also introduced soon .


Female Urology: LUTS, Urethral stenosis, Urinary incontinence, Urinary fistulae, Urological problems in pregnancy

Urological issues in females are far more common that what we usually think . We offer complete evaluation of urological symptoms in female population . Cystoscopic evaluation , treatment of urethral stenosis , cystitis are the common procedures. We offer entire spectrum of treatment for all types of urinary incontinence with tapes and BN suspension procedures. Urological problems in pregnancy are very sensitive issues and we deal with them with a great precision , protecting the mother and the fetus at the same time . Our department is really a tertiary referral center for the management of vesico vaginal fistulae ( VVF) , ureteric injuries and fistulae ( UVF) and other complex procedures with exceptionally high cure rates


Paediatric Urology: Congenital disorders, Undescended testis, phimosis, posterior urethral valves, Voiding dysfunction, VU Reflux, Megaureters, PUJ obstruction, Neurogenic bladder, Wilms’ tumour

Paediatric urology as a subspecialty within the super specialty has not only evolved but has come a long way in the last three decades. We offer entire spectrum of care for the urological problems in newborns, infants and paediatric population . Apart from conventional open surgery we offer state of the art paediatric endourological services which make this department of ours a shade different than the others. Excellent back up by the neonatal and paediatric ICU at UAIMS will make a huge difference in the successful outcome. All types paediatric urological cancers such as Wilms’ tumour , Neuroblastomas and RMS will be dealt with too.


Neuro urology: Adults, young children , elderly Management of voiding dysfunction due to congenital disorders, Spinal injury , Spinal trauma /surgery, stroke, Parkinson’s disease

Neuro urology will be one of the unique services in this region . Urological problems in the patients suffering from neurological disorders is often a neglected domain. We at UAIMS are committed to deliver care with compassion and rehabilitation . Evaluation with precision , counseling , urodynamic evaluation , self catherisation techniques , reconstructive procedures like augmentation cystoplasty , Mitrofannaoff will be routinely performed .


Urologic Oncology: Kidney Cancer , Prostate Cancer , Bladder Cancer , Testicular cancer , Adrenal tumours, Penile cancer, Upper tract urothelial cancer, retroperitoneal tumours

Uro-oncology , a specialty that deals with entire spectrum of urologic cancers has taken the front seat since the incidence of cancer is growing across the globe . This specialty needs true expertise who understands the science of oncology and the philosophy involved in delivering the care with precision . We are proud to have such expertise who has experience and wisdom of more than 25 years to deal with this work . We will be offering entire spectrum of cancer treatment for kidney cancer ( radical nephrectomy , partial nephrectomy/nephron sparing surgery , active surveillance for small masses) , prostate cancer ( radical prostatectomy and pelvic LND , entire care of metastatic and locally advanced prostate cancer) , Bladder Cancer ( TURBT , intravesical BCG therapy , NBI , radical cystectomy with neobladder formation , ileal loop diversion ) , upper tract cancer ( conservative endo urological treatment of upper tract TCC , radical nephreureterectomy with RPLND) , testicular cancer ( high orchidectomy , BEP chemotherapy , post chemo RPLND ) , penile cancer ( penile preservation , partial and total penectomy and ilio inguinal LND with reconstruction ) , adrenal tumours ( pheochromocytoma , adrenal tumours and cancers) and retroperitoneal cancers. Paediatric cancers like Wilms, neuroblastoma and pelvic RMS are also dealt with great effectiveness.

It is not just the surgical care , but care throughout their illness right from the first diagnosis till the treatment completion and long term cure and follow up is the hallmark of this department.


Andrology , Infertility : Erectile dysfunction , penile disorders , ejaculatory disorders , subfertility and infertility

Andrology is a science dealing with sexual disorders in men . We offer treatment for impotence , erectile dysfunction , premature ejaculation and entire spectrum of male infertility right from precise evaluation , counseling , surgery for varicocoele , MESA/TESA for assisted conception . A close coordination with IVF department will be the norm. Advanced procedures like penile prosthesis , surgery for penile curvature and lengthening will be also be routinely done here.


Reconstructive Urology

Functional preservation and reconstruction are the important areas in the modern urology . We have expertise to deliver these surgeries at UAIMS . All types of urethroplasties ( stricture , trauma , reconstruction following fistulae, malignancies will be dealt with) .Cystoplasties , pyeloplasties , ileal replacement of ureter , ureteric reimplantation, repair of urinary fistulae are done regularly at this unit.


Adolescent Urology

This is a new upcoming specialty which we will be establishing at UAIMS. The children born with congenital urological disorders and have been treated for it , face different set of problems when they become adolescent. We at UAIMS are committed to help these individuals with expertise in the Dept of Urology of UAIMS .


Renal Transplantation

With the help of department of nephrology , we will be starting live related kidney transplantation program very soon. The teams are completely geared up and as soon as the technical formalities and legal procedures are completed , we will be starting the renal transplantation program . We have the experienced team and are aiming at laparoscopic donor retrieval right from the first renal transplantation we start the program . In due course of time, we will be developing the cadaver transplant program too.


Coming soon : Robotic Surgery in Urology , Urologic Oncology

We will be soon launching the robotic surgery program at UAIMS covering the desired and indicated spectrum of urology and urologic oncology.


Our Team of Department of Urology, Urologic Oncology

● Dr Makarand Khochikar – Head of the Dept of Urology and Urologic oncology and Patron Director – UAIMS

● Chief of Robotic Surgery program and International affiliations

Dr Makarand Khochikar MS DNB ( Urol) FICS FRCS ( Urol) Dip Urol ( London) FEBU , is an internationally acclaimed urologist , urologic oncologist. Has been trained in India ( Bombay Hospital Institute of Medical Sciences , MPUH , Nadiyad ) and UK ( London and Cambridge ) and has more than 30 years of experience in the field . He has outstanding career with many laurels to his credit .Has won many awards , delivered many orations and has many publications to his credit . He is considered as a pioneer in urologic oncology in India and a true expert in this field. He has performed more than 30,000 urologic surgeries with high success rate uptill now .He is a great academician and is on the editorial board of many urology and urooncology journals across the globe . He serves on many international academic organizations and is a highly respected figure in the national and international urologic community . Teaching has been very close to his heart as much as the care of the patients. visit


Dr Milind Parikh MS FICS – Consultant Urologist and Managing Director of UAIMS

Dr Mlind Parikh , after having trained in Miraj and Mumbai established the urology services in Sangli through UNH in 1989. He was the first expert to bring the lithotripsy services to the Deccan province . Almost unthinkable at that time , it was a giant and bold step and was a revolution in the stone management in this region . More importantly he along with his team at UNH and Abhinav Medicals provided these services at a very affordable rate . He is a highly accomplished endourologist with expertise in URS and PCNL. Over the span of 30 years more than 10,000 ESWLs have been performed to his credit. An exceptional team leader with great organizational and communication skills and ability to take everyone together are his true virtues.


Dr Avinash Patil MS M Ch ( Urology) – Consultant Urologist

Dr Avinash Patil has been trained at KIIMS , Karad ( MS ) and Ramayya Medical College , Bangalore ( M Ch Urology) . He is a young , upcoming urologist with around five years of experience . His areas of interest are laparoscopic urology and renal transplantation.


Dr Meera M Khochikar MD DGO – Urology Outpatients and Day care services

Dr Kiran Bhosale – Urodynamics and outpatient services
25 years of dedicated urology services , with excellent results , high success rate , nationally acclaimed center

Very soon Dept of Urology and Urologic oncology will be starting DNB program , Fellowship program , international affiliations.

Urology Consultants

Dr. Milind Parikh
MS,FICS (Urology)
Dr. Makarand Khochikar
MBBS,MS, DNB (Urol), Dip Urol (London), FICS, FRCS ( Urol )
Dr. Avinash Patil
Dr. Avinash Patil [B.S.Patil]
MS, FMAS, MCh (Urology)
doctor 82
Dr. Meera Kochikar

Flexible appointments and urgent care.

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