Laser Surgery Department

Department Of Laser Surgery Department

LASERs have revolutionised many surgical procedures. UAIMS has Senior LASER surgeons with almost 30 years of experience in various LASER treatment procedures. The department is equipped with some of the best Surgical LASERs and Laser delivery systems. It is very important for the Surgeon to have in depth knowledge about Laser physics and Laser-Tissue interaction for appropriate and safe treatment. Our Consultants at UAIMS have gained proper training in Surgiacl Lasers from reputed Laser Centers of England, Austria and Switzerland . We have one of the largest series of Laser treatments of Osteoid Osteomas ( Bone Tumors) and Varicose veins.

At UAIMS Laser treatment is available for following conditions –

  • Piles, Fissures and Fistulas
  • Haemangiomas
  • Varicose Veins
  • Venous Malformations
  • Osteoid osteomas
  • Skin tags, Warts, Moles etc
  • Tongue Tie, Submucous Fibrosis,
  • Mucosal Polyps, Leucoplakia etc
  • Urology
  • Andrology
  • Uro Oncology


Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery Obesity is a rising problem in India. There are lot of complications associated with Excessive weight.

Laser Surgery Department Consultants

Dr. Sanjay Kulkarni
Dr. Mihir Birnale
MS,FISCP(Gen sur)

Flexible appointments and urgent care.

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