Ushahkal Abhinav Institute of Medical Sciences. (UAIMS) has been established as one of the most advanced Tertiary Health Care Centres in the region.


Ushahkal Abhinav Institute of Medical Sciences. (UAIMS) has been established as one of the most advanced Tertiary Health Care Centres in the region. This iconic Hospital provides technologically advanced infrastructure, with highly skilled and experienced doctors, to deliver best treatment outcomes for the patients. As the logo says , all the patients are are taken care of with utmost compassion.

medical care

Our Vision & Mission

Ushahkal Abhinav Institute of Medical Sciences

The Emblem of “Ushahkal Abhinav Medical Sciences” embodies geometric symmetry and humane emotions in itself. English “U” and “A” merge in themselves to form a shield of humanity, and health care. This is a shield of Omnicare for well being. This hospital is the new dawn of health care service. Empathy and Selfless service are the two rainbows leaning on the horizon of human existence and society.

“Ushahkal Abhinav Medical Sciences” promisesyou compassion and care in everything we do!.

Flexible appointments and urgent care.

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